So, what happens when you work hard, have no life, run dry of ideas and whatever ideas you put out there just shrivels up and dies? You feel like shit! Hahahaa! So, I decided to have fun with some of the ideas and give them some life. Here is one of them (after more than one year of just sitting and gathering dust and cobwebs in my folder)! :-P
OMG! Can't stop laughing!!!
you are just so awesome! loved them all.
very kaWaii!!! i LoVE LoVE!!! the color co-ordination
ati!! pretty!! :) :)
and clever :D
pretty creative.. ;) so did u ever try the 'shit tea' :D.. kidding.. nice post... Thanks to Puja I landed here.. will keep cming often.. c ya.
I did try the ShitTea and it works, especially if you have it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach...haha! Thanks!
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