I love chibi! It always cracks me up and this one has been cracking me up for some time. It's not much but I just love it.
You punish yourself
Not letting go
Of your mistakes, anger, regrets and what-ifs
You think happiness is not a possibility for you
You used to curse god
Now you don’t believe in one
You think life is unfair
You’ve forgotten how to count your blessings
And spend way too much time thinking of your misfortunes
You think you are damaged
Too damaged to be repaired
Too damaged to hope
You’ve given up on yourself
After all the pain caused to you and by you
You feel you don’t deserve to live
That your sins are too many
Too burdensome and condemning
You don’t want to continue living like this
But I ask you
To live
Because sins can only be atoned while you are alive
So please stay alive